Mat Pilates
Mat Class is a group workout setting, focusing on functional movement exercises with the option to intensify the program by making use of equipment such as light free weights and theraband. All participants follow the same exercise programme (with slight variations offered to cater for higher and lower levels) over a 60 minute class.
Small Group Classes
The maximum patient to Physiotherapist ratio is 10:1, ensuring safety via close instruction and technique supervision throughout the class, however, there is less of an individualised nature of the workout.
These classes are more suitable for those who are building or maintaining strength and fitness as a way of managing pain or chronic conditions, not those who are recovering post-operatively or are in the midst of managing an acute injury.

Mat Class focuses on resistance exercises, with the option to intensify the program

Maximum patient to Physiotherapist is 10:1 ensuring safety via close instruction

All clients are required to go through an initial assessment to help direct them to the appropriate classes

Who is it for?
- Injured Clients: Aids in the development and maintenance of physical conditioning whilst rehabilitating your injury, with the long-term goal of injury prevention. This covers the scope of post-operative cases through to flare ups of chronic conditions.
- Athletes/Dancers: Specific programs for strength, flexibility and performance.
- Elderly or Arthritic Clients: Low impact exercise improving mobility, posture and muscular support of joints with the freedom to work at your own pace.
- Business People: Ideal for stress and postural related tension, whereby a structured, therapeutic workout can provide stress relief, relieve muscular tension and improve posture via the strengthening of postural muscles.
How do I get started?
Classes are suitable for all levels and will be running every :⠀
- Monday at 9:00am
- Wednesday at 5:00pm
Location : Lesser Hall, Mundaring
Mat Classes are $300 for a 10 week block or $34 per class for casual attendance. All costs are fully rebatable with Private Health Insurers as the classes are run by a physiotherapist.
Please call our friendly staff on 9295 2381 to enrol now!
Please note:
*Before commencing these classes you are required to have an initial assessment with one of our Physiotherapists to ensure you can safely participate in the class and so we understand the goals you would like to achieve.