
How Do I Have Tennis Elbow, When I Don’t Play Tennis???

Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis/ epicondylalgia is quite a common injury which is treated by physiotherapists. Surprisingly,  most people with tennis elbow do not play tennis, and instead their pain is caused by either direct trauma or repeated stressors placed on an elbow tendon causing a tendinopathy.  Patients typically report their pain as a pulling...

I have chronic lower back pain – which type of exercise is the best for relieving my pain?

As Physiotherapists, one of the most common complaints our clients will seek treatment for is chronic lower back pain which is pain that either has lasted longer than a few months without settling; or repeat recurrences of the same lower back pain over a prolonged period of time. There is lots of evidence that exercise...


Vertigo is a relatively common complaint, and when it starts suddenly can be quite distressing. There are many causes of vertigo, with one particular type being commonly treated by physiotherapists known as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo or BPPV. BPPV will typically produce brief periods of feelings of dizziness or spinning, which can range from mild...

The Dreaded Calf Strain

A calf strain is an injury to the muscles of the back of the leg. The calf consists of the two headed gastrocnemius and the always forgotten soleus muscle which sits deeper near the Achilles tendon.  Calf strains are most commonly found in the medial head of the gastrocnemius. The Gastrocnemius is commonly injured in sports which require quick acceleration from a...

The Dreaded Syndesmosis

Winter is coming, where the combination of wet weather and contact sport are a perfect recipe for not only the typical inversion ankle sprain, but also the dreaded syndesmosis injury. A Syndesmosis injury occurs when there is a disruption of the distal attachment of the tibia and fibula which is most commonly caused by a tear in...

10 FACTS you NEED to know about lower back pain!

LOWER BACK PAIN is the leading cause of DISABILITY worldwide. Unfortunately, there is a lot of  mis-information in regards to lower back pain and UNHELPFUL BELIEFS can often lead to ongoing PAIN and DISABILITY. Let’s discuss 10 lower back pain FACTS which you need to know.  1. Persistent back pain can be SCARY, but it’s rarely...